{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deflang1041 {\fonttbl {\f0 Arial;}} {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;} \pard\plain\sa197\fs20 Many people probably could not spend this summer without air conditioning due to the extremely hot weather. The recent global extreme weather conditions, which are believed to be caused in part by energy consumption in developed countries, have brought extreme temperature changes never experienced before to various regions of the world. While the diffusion rate of air conditioning and heating equipment is increasing as a countermeasure, those who cannot afford it for economic reasons are being forced into harsh living conditions. Especially in cities in summer, people are exposed not only to outside air but also to heat from building exhaust, which is an unreasonable situation. \par The phrase "hot people, cold people" is a symbolic expression of this situation using air conditioners. The human body is molded using refrigerant pipes to visualize modern people who live in dependence on this device. In the exhibition, one of two air conditioners was set to cooling and the other to heating, and both were forced to run at the same time. By placing the outdoor units in the same location, air with a large temperature difference flows out of the outlets of each unit, creating various temperature ranges within a single room. \par Thermometers installed here and there on the walls are set close to the world's temperature in late October. By allowing people in the gallery to experience this difference in temperature, this device reminds people of the urgent issue of global warming countermeasures and the harsh situation of social disparity.\fs1\lang1024}

Hot and cold people

Hot man::h180~w120 ~d100cm
Cold manFh90~w300 ~d120cm

AirconditionerARefrigerant pipeAthermometer@etc. 
[Gallery Art Kageyama]

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